May 17, 2012

CentriQS video presentation has been created

CentriQS video presentation has been made to give a visual overview of the product key features.

The following topics are covered:
1. Solutions (Default Solution, Custom Solution)
2. Users (Domain Users, AD Authentication, User Permissions)
3. Documents (Files, Links, Notes)
4. Data (Sorting, Grouping, Filters, Layouts, Presets, Search)
5. Notifications (Subscriptions, Internal and Email Notifications)
6. Analytics (Dashboards, Pivot Tables, Charts)
7. Tasks (Breakdown, Dependency, Schedules, Appointments, Recurrence)
8. Customization (Custom Entities, Properties, Tables, and Workflow)

If you notice any mistakes in the video presentation, please, contact us.

VIP Quality Software Team

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